Post-Workshop, Third Draft.

Kingdom Come

She wants to be your apocalypse

the one who reins down the worth of you

and judges breath. She wants to be the force

that makes you unable to say no.

All you ever wanted was a yes.

She wants to be the one to forage you in her arms until

the horsemen bow their heads and raise their swords

letting their horns blow their last.

She will drop her wings on your threshold and still ascend.

All you ever wanted was a yes.

The mess of severance will be devastating, but you saw it

coming on the edges of cameras

that caught too much joy

fraud committed with eyes screaming death.

The stark contrast between worship and apathy

became a schism with no hope to bear.

All you ever wanted was a yes.

Wandering along the back of her neck

you witness what was supposed to be.

You both pushed and pulled

dancing as you desecrated each other.

But in the end,

there was no apocalypse.

It was the human condition

marked only by sinful behavior.

Treat her as diphtheria

to your penicillin. Mend her.

Only then will you both be

precise and defined.

All you ever wanted was a yes.

Jennifer Miller McIntyre


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