Things I learned from Tutoring...

This is an excerpt from the notes I am using to help my student understand her reading homework:

"Sexual intercourse is the richest encounter possible, and out of this encounter a new being is created. The creative encounter is similar to sexual intercourse in its encounter, partial withdrawal pattern. The two opposites become united as in the creative encounter. It is this continuous experience of encounter and re-encounter that is significant in terms of creativity. The process is what is important. It brings change to both the subjective and the objective poles. The particular forms resulting from the creative process are symbol and myth, which reveal the relationship between conscious and unconscious experience."

"Slowly, So Slowly, Slowly"


Don’t call me woman

Unless you say I am

Your woman

In only the best way possible

That I am yours

Because you

Understand and

Respect me.

Don’t wait for me to make up my mind

When I have asked you three times

For your opinion

I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t

Want it.

Is it a contradiction

To want a man

Who is a man?

Who knows how to take care

And let me take the lead

As well?

Passing back and forth

Awaiting the other’s response

In a timely manner

Passing back and forth

Finding the clench in the eyes.

I don’t want to go forth

When the past is so close

Sitting in the dents of my shoes

Like the deterring bubble gum that it is.

Don’t call me woman

Unless you want me to be

Your woman

And you mean it

In the best way

You can.

J. McIntyre